2024/25 Winter Catchers Clinic

Clinic Date

  • January 2nd & 3rd, 2025
    • 1:00pm – 4:00pm

Additional Information

  • 2 Day Clinic
  • Boys & Girls
  • All Ages Welcome
  • Campers will be grouped by age/skill level
  • Camp Hours:
    • Monday & Tuesday: 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
  • Water & Drinks will be available.

Clinic Features

Our catching clinic focuses on all aspects of the position.  Receiving, blocking, transfer, stance, giving signs, fielding bunts, pick-offs, pop-ups, and plays at the plate.  Catchers are taught about the mental aspect of the position.  Additionally, they learn how to identify different types of hitters and how to pitch to them.  Catchers are also taught about game management and how to manage pitchers.

Pricing & Deadlines

CAMP COST – $120

*Registration Deadline January 2, 2025

What To Wear

Campers are encouraged to wear athletic shorts or baseball pants and a T-Shirt. Cleats are allowed, but we encourage campers to bring a pair of tennis shoes.


What To Bring

Each camper is responsible for bringing their own equipment.  Below is a checklist of things they need for the camp:

  • Glove
  • Cleats AND Tennis Shoes (No Metal Cleats Allowed)
  • Water Bottle* (Water Provided)

*These items are optional. 

**Iron Diamond Sports is not responsible for lost or stolen items.**

Camp Rain-Out Policy

*In the event of inclement weather, every attempt will be made to get all camp sessions in. If weather is such that the camp cannot be held, campers will be notified as soon as possible. Refunds will not be given. Campers will receive a rain voucher to attend another scheduled camp or a make-up camp. If a camper completes at least one full camp day, that is considered a full camp. A camp day which last past noon will be counted as a full day. If one full day is not met, then camper will receive a rain voucher to attend another scheduled camp or a make-up camp.

Make-Up Camp Date(s): To Be Determined